In this work, a continuous monitoring scenario where multiple unmanned aerial vehicles are tasked to monitor a dynamic target moving along a path with unknown speed profile is addressed. Optimal trajectories based on the nominal trajectory of the …
A framework for monitoring a target modeled as Dubins car using multiple UAVs is proposed. The UAVs are subject to minimum and maximum speed, maximum angular rate constraints, as well as inter-vehicle safety requirements and no-fly-zones. The problem …
Optimal control theory and differential game theory is applied to the study of the defense of high value airborne assets, particularly in the case of a single threat such as an adversarial aircraft or missile. Rather than utilizing onboard defenses …
In this work, we consider a two-agent scenario consisting of an observer and non-maneuvering target. In the scenario, the observer is considered to be maneuverable and slower than the target. The observer is endowed with a nonzero radius of …
A three-agent scenario is considered in 3-D Cartesian space, where a Pursuer aims at intercepting an Evader while the Evader aims to out-maneuver the Pursuer. A Defender working in cooperation with the Evader aims at intercepting the Pursuer before …
We consider a multiple vehicle path planning problem with curvature constraints in the presence of obstacles, where multiple vehicles need to arrive at a given final location simultaneously. We aim to find the paths using a simplex framework that …
In this paper, the interception of a target vehicle is presented utilizing a Bézier path. Utilizing the Bézier path, the controlled vehicle is navigated from an initial point and velocity vector to a desired target waypoint and velocity vector. To …
An engagement scenario involving the defence of a non-manoeuvrable agent, called the Target, is considered. A pursuing agent, engages the non-manoeuvrable Target while a defending agent, which aims at intercepting the Pursuer to protect the Target, …
This paper considers a two agent scenario containing an observer and a non-maneuvering target. The observer is maneuverable but is slower than the course-holding target. In this scenario, the observer is endowed with a nonzero radius of observation …
Pursuit and evasion conflicts represent challenging problems with important applications in aerospace and robotics. In pursuit-evasion problems, synthesis of intelligent actions must consider the adversary's potential strategies. Differential game theory provides an adequate framework to analyze possible outcomes of the conflict without assuming particular behaviors by the opponent. This article presents an organized introduction of pursuit-evasion differential games with an overview of recent advances in the area.