cooperative control

Direct Methods Comparison for the Active Target Defense Scenario

The goal of optimal control is to obtain an admissible function which minimizes an objective functional subject to specified constraints and boundary conditions. Four popular methods of computing the optimal control directly are the Single Shooting …

An Intercept and Following Strategy for a Multi-rotor Platform using a Modified Proportional Navigation

Combatant small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (CUAVs) can easily enter restricted airspace and may be mitigated by counter UAVs. Intercepting and following combatant UAVs in restricted airspace could be achieved with multi-rotor UAVs. A pseudotarget based …

A Kinematic Rejoin Method for Active Defense of Non-Maneuverable Aircraft

An engagement scenario involving the defense of a valuable and non-maneuverable aircraft is investigated in this paper. An Attacker missile pursuing a Target aircraft and a Defender missile which aims at intercepting the Attacker in order to protect …

Adaptive Event-triggered Cooperative Control of Uncertain Networked Systems

Coordination and cooperation of networked multi-agent systems is usually constrained by dynamic and communication limitations. In this work we consider the problem of distributed leader following of heterogeneous and uncertain multi-agent systems. …

An Optimal-Stochastic Aircraft Defense Strategy for the Active Target Defense Scenario

An Optimal Aircraft Defense Strategy for the Active Target Defense Scenario