This paper focuses on developing an energy-efficient control algorithm for a type of leader-follower formation, namely, ring formation, where the follower seeks to track a virtual circle, also called a ring, whose center is behind the leader along …
The work herein expresses an optimal control problem for an air vehicle to reach a desired location through two dynamic keep out zones. In today’s contested world, there are many instances where air vehicles are denied a portion of the airspace when …
The maximum surveillance of a target which is holding course is considered, wherein an observer vehicle aims to maximize the time that a faster target remains within a fixed-range of the observer. This entails two coupled phases: an approach phase …
The Intelligent Systems Technical Committee works to advance the application of computation problem-solving technologies and methods to aerospace systems.
In this work, a continuous monitoring scenario where multiple unmanned aerial vehicles are tasked to monitor a dynamic target moving along a path with unknown speed profile is addressed. Optimal trajectories based on the nominal trajectory of the …
A framework for monitoring a target modeled as Dubins car using multiple UAVs is proposed. The UAVs are subject to minimum and maximum speed, maximum angular rate constraints, as well as inter-vehicle safety requirements and no-fly-zones. The problem …
In this work, we consider a two-agent scenario consisting of an observer and non-maneuvering target. In the scenario, the observer is considered to be maneuverable and slower than the target. The observer is endowed with a nonzero radius of …
This paper describes a technique, called quarter-cycle constant period frequency modulation, to control the motion of wings on a flapping wing micro-air vehicle. This technique allows control over the wingbeat period and three additional points (the …
An engagement scenario involving the defence of a non-manoeuvrable agent, called the Target, is considered. A pursuing agent, engages the non-manoeuvrable Target while a defending agent, which aims at intercepting the Pursuer to protect the Target, …